Before Nintendo flip the Switch...
Before Nintendo flip the switch on Switch me and Dave discus what may lay ahead for Nintendo's next console. Needles to say we have very different takes on the console and on how things may go. Only time will tell how the Switch will fare but it's a time honoured tradition to talk about all that may come to pass, and no other console maker divides opinion quite like Nintendo.
The Last Guardian also comes under the microscope, the much delayed game (13 years in the making) has finally been released. The game may never step out from the shadow cast by it's own development story, but lets try to talk about the game. Not it's time spent in incubation. How does it play? What's it like? Is it worthy of carrying the torch on from Shadow Of The Colossus? Me and Dave have both played it, listen to our first impressions on the Podcast. Also we talk Res 7 in and out of VR, Split, the new Shyamalan film that blew me away (spoiler free talk). All this and more, so give it a listen!